Songs for Our Future: A Monthly Concert Series to Launch in 2017

In the Ortiz household, we have a framed quote from Spanish cellist and composer, Pablo Casals:

Soy hombre primero y artista despues. Como hombre, mi primera obligación es defender la dignidad humana. Como artista, cumpliré esa misión a traves de la musica – unica arma que Dios me ha dado – ya que ésta trasciende las vallas impuestas por el idioma la politica y las fronteras nacionales. Mi contribución a la paz mundial será humilde, per al menos lo habré dado todo por ese ideal que, para mis es sagrado.

I am a man first and an artist second. As a man, my first obligation is to defend human dignity. As an artist, I will fulfill this mission through music — the unique weapon which God has given me – and that which trancends the boundaries imposed by language, politics and national borders. My contribution to world peace will be humble, but at least I will have given all for this ideal which, to me, is sacred.

In the spirit of Pablo Casals, the Pam Ortiz Band has decided launch a monthly concert series in 2017, to raise funds to protect important rights and vulnerable people.  We hope you will join us.

Songs for Our Future - Concert Flyer - Revised 02-15-17